installations • assembling • transport
heavy installations • company relocations
© Trasmo GmbH • legal terms
Privacy terms
1. Responsible for privacy terms
Am Jöspershecklein 14, 97828 Marktheidenfeld

2. Responsible for privacy terms in Bayern
Bayerisches Landesamt für Datenschutzaufsicht
Promenade 18, 91522 Ansbach

3. General
With using our website you agree to saving anynomous data of your browser, operating system, used online software and time and date and. Informations e.g. watched sites, watched files, data and time are saved for statistic purposes. Other informations like your name, adress, e-mail adress and phone number are only saved, if you are using our contact form. These informations are stored only to get contact to you and for contract enforcement. None of these informations we will give to other companies - unless it is necessary for make an offer or produce special parts. We are not using any cloud-services to save customer data, if you send us an e-mail, your e-mail will be stored on a encrypted IMAP-server. Any data you send to us will be encrypted. Your data will be managed in relation to art. 6, paragraph 1 of the DSVGO to fullfill your request. At any time you have the right to proof, if any data of you is saved on our system and you have the right, that all informations will be erased.

4. Your data
If you use our website, only anynomous data will be stored in log-files on our server (date/time, browser, operating system, watched sites, watched files, your IP-adress). If you are using our contact formular your data (name, e-mail adress, phone number, request) will only be stored to get in contact to you and you allow this especially. Your data will only be stored on encrypted systems - according to actual privacy terms. If you will not be a customer of our company, your informations will be erased after 30 days.

5. Your rights
At any time you have the right to get information about stored data and you can proof and correct your data. At any time you have the right of erasing your data, except we have to store your data for legal rights of tax.

6. Cookies
Our website is not using cookies. cookies are little text files, in which are saved some informations about your system and what you are using on our website. Cookies can be used to describe user behavior. You can set the using of cookies within your browser configuration. We can not manipulate your browser configuration. If you are using our website you allow the use of cookies.

7. Google Analytics
Our website is using Google Analytics, a analyzing feature of Google Inc., 1600 Amphitheatre Parkway, Mountain View, CA 94043, USA. If you don´t want this, please visit: to configure the using of this feature. Google Analytics uses cookies. The informations, Google Analytics collect, will be stored on a server in USA. Google Analytics has some code, which allows anynomous IP-adress saving. If the anynomous saving is active, Google IP-adresses will be shorten within states of the EU or other countries where this contract is used - therefore your identity is not saved. Google provides the „Safe Harbor“-program of the US-department of commerce and is generating analysis of the using of our website. More information: The analysis is just statistical.